In the weeks leading up to your tattoo appointment it is just as important to prepare your skin for your new addition as it is to take care of it afterwards! Doing these things will ensure that your tattoo will heal as smoothly as possible when paired with appropriate aftercare.
NO SUN TANNING- make sure when in the sun for longer than 20 minutes at a time you wear SPF. Sunburnt skin can not be tattooed and sun weathered skin can be equally difficult to heal.
HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE!- 48 hrs (if not always!) before your appointment, drink lots of water! This helps the integrity of your skin, makes for easier color packing and helps you feel much better the day of your appointment. Moisturizing and gently exfoliating away dead skin will also greatly benefit the process.
ALCOHOL- Alcohol thins your blood and dehydrates your body and skin. If you are able, not drinking alcohol 24 hrs before your appointment is strongly advised.
EAT- It is a great idea to eat before your appointment, and potentially bring snacks/drinks you like for longer sessions to help with endurance. We try to always keep the shop stocked with waters and candies to help out!
COMFY CLOTHES- Consider the body part you will be getting tattooed, wear something comfortable that also allows easy access to the body part you are getting worked on. Zip up hoodies, loose shorts/skirts, tank tops and layers are always great. Feel free to ask your artist what would work best!